The Conservative-led Chorley Borough Council last night approved to not only freeze their Council Tax for their third time, but actually cut it by 1% helping hard-hit families across Chorley.
This means that a resident in a Band A home will now pay £105.59 (£2.03 per week equivalent) and those in a Band D home £158.39 (£3.05 per week). Residents are now paying less than they did in 2009/10 when the Conservatives presented their first budget as they swept to control. Car parking charges too have been frozen. It was the Conservative Council that slashed Labour's £1.50 for three-hour rate down to £1, and that's nearly five years ago.
But it's not all tax freezes and tax cuts.
The Conservative-led Council is also investing over £1 million into the local ecoomy and jobs. Schemes including funding for more Police Community Support Officers, tackling dog fouling, support for buisness start-ups, debt advice funding, and community safety issues.
Other Conservative-led authorities also froze their Council tax rates this year:-
Lancashire County Council
Combined Lancashire Fire Auhority
Only the Labour dominated Lancashire Police Authority increased their share of the Council Tax.