Tweet Our Surveys Chorley Survey 2025 Current Local issues National Issues Get involved Your details Leave this field blank Which THREE local issues are most important to you? More homes that local people can afford Supporting local shops and businesses Improving air quality Leisure, libraries and culture Keeping Council Tax low Improving green spaces and maintenance of parks Parking Recycling and rubbish collection More support for renters Reducing council waste and bureaucracy Roads and pothole repairs Caring for the elderly and vulnerable School Places Protecting green spaces from development Improving access to transport Tackling congestion Tackling crime and anti-social behaviour Are there any local other comments you would like to make? How would you rate the services that you receive from Chorley Council? Recycling and waste collection, street cleaning, planning and building control, housing and homelessness, parks and recreation, council tax collection, licensing, environmental health. How would you rate the services that you receive from Lancashire County Council? Social care and carers, adult and children servives, education, libraries, waste management and recycling, strategic planning, highways, transport, trading standards. How would you rate the performance of your local Councillor(s)? And how active do you think your local Councillor(s) are in your community?