Conservative Party Code of Conduct for the leadership and management of volunteers
What are the aims and objectives of this Code of Conduct?
As one of the UK’s largest voluntary organisations, and one which plays a central and active role in the good governance of the nation, the Conservative Party prides itself on being an open and inclusive body in which anyone who works or volunteers for the Party can play a fulfilling and active role free of any unwanted and/or unwelcome behaviour towards them including, but not limited to, bullying, discrimination, harassment and/or victimisation of any sort. The Conservative Party makes every effort to ensure that its employees and its volunteers, are appropriately supported in their roles, for their own welfare and fulfilment and so that they can flourish along with the Party.
Purpose of this Code of Conduct
• To ensure that volunteering for the Party is an enjoyable and constructive experience.
• To support equality of opportunity and diversity in all aspects of the Party’s activities.
• To set out the behaviour expected from anyone representing the Party when leading, managing and working with volunteers.
This Code of Conduct sets out the framework of behaviour expected of those Volunteer Leaders (listed at Who is the Code of Conduct for? below), who are required as a strict condition of their ongoing employment by, membership of, engagement with and/or (in the case of any organisation which is formally recognised by the Party) recognition by the Party, to adhere to this Code of Conduct in the leadership and management of Volunteers.
Who is the code of conduct for ?
This Code of Conduct is for anyone who formally represents the Party who is leading, managing and working with Party volunteers on any Party sponsored or recognised activity (Volunteer Leaders). Volunteer Leaders may include CCHQ staff, Conservative Association staff, staff of affiliated organisations and bodies formally recognised by the Conservative Party Board, as well as staff, officers and campaign leaders (regardless of membership status) of Conservative Associations and affiliated and recognised organisations.
What standards are expected of Volunteer Leaders ?
All Volunteer Leaders must:
• Act according
(a) to the highest standards expected of any employee or Conservative Party officer, manager or leader
(b) in accordance with public statements regarding the Party’s values in the respect of, and behaviour towards, others made by official Party representatives
(c) to a standard that could reasonably be expected by such a person and/or role holder.
• Provide a positive role model for the Party and for others; conducting themselves with, and fostering an environment of, tolerance, integrity, openness and honesty.
• Respect the dignity of Party Volunteers, including any choice
(a) not to volunteer
(b) to cease volunteering and/or
(c) to make a complaint against another Party Volunteer.
• Ensure that, as far as possible, Party Volunteers have opportunities for giving satisfying and motivating voluntary support to the Party and its Associations and affiliates. This includes ensuring that Party Volunteers are able to make contributions to achieve success and are matched to voluntary work commensurate with their skills, experience and abilities.
• Not exploit, or create any sense of inappropriate obligation between themselves and any Party Volunteer for personal benefit or personal gain.
• Strive to uphold good practice in volunteer management as could reasonably be expected at all times; this includes (but is not limited to) ensuring the absence of any threats, intimidation, unwanted behaviour, bullying, discrimination, harassment and/or victimisation of any Party Volunteer by any Volunteer Leader.
• Foster co-operation and mutual goodwill between Party Volunteers and Party employees. If employed by the Party, work with their employer (e.g. CCHQ, their Association, a recognised Party affiliate etc) to proactively support good practice in Volunteer leadership and management at all times.
• Actively take steps to raise any issues, concerns and/or queries to an appropriate Party employee or officer at any time should they become aware of any standards, behaviour and/or issues which could reasonably be viewed as falling below the level expected.
• Actively allow, and support the raising of concerns or issues arising from, but not limited to bullying, discrimination, harassment and/or victimisation by others.
• Adhere to all applicable Party regulations relating to the leadership and/or management of Party Volunteers at all times.
• Take necessary steps to ensure the health, safety and welfare of own self as well as of Party Volunteers whilst undertaking their volunteering activities.
• Celebrate successes and recognise and thank dedication, loyalty and hard work.
• Be conscious of any potential conflict of interest or misunderstanding arising out of any engagement with the voluntary work etc.
• Not knowingly or unreasonably act in a manner inconsistent with this Code, or knowingly or unreasonably cause or permit others to do so.
• Ensure that Party Volunteers are made aware of this Code of Conduct and receive appropriate information regarding their areas of assistance, how these fit in to the Party’s overall mission and values - and how to raise issues of concern if any arise.
What happens if there is a breach (perceived, suspected or otherwise) of this Code of Conduct?
Any complaint or concern regarding a breach of this Code of Conduct (perceived, suspected or otherwise) may be made by any person witnessing inappropriate behaviour during Party activities.
The complaint should be by phone to 020 7984 8320, by email to [email protected] or in writing to Head of Voluntary Party, CCHQ, 4 Matthew Parker Street, London SW1H 9HQ and should be made as soon as possible after any such concerns arise. Complainants are able to nominate someone else to contact the Party via the above avenues on their behalf as necessary.
Behaviour and/or incidents of concern will be duly and properly investigated by a person or body nominated by the Chairman or CEO of the Party, the Party’s Director of Organisation, Head of Voluntary Party or HR lead. The complainant will be updated as appropriate during and following any investigation.
Action will be taken against persons or bodies found to have failed to act in line with this Code of Practice, or to have behaved unreasonably on the Party’s behalf.