On this day in 2012, the Conservative-led cabinet at Lancashire County Council approved a speed limit reduction along Wood Lane in Heskin from 40 mph to 30 mph.
One of the first things "newbie" county councillor Peter Malpas was told when he became the area's first Conservative county councillor was that the parish council had, with others, been campaigning for a speed reduction for years with no success.
One suggested it would never be done.
But Peter set about holding a house-by-house petition along Wood lane and presented his findings to highways cabinet member, CC Tim Ashton.
Local Ward Borough Councillor Paul Leadbetter remarked at the time "It seems ridiculous that the speed limit along Wood Lane in Heskin is 40 mph, whilst the limits through neighbouring Eccleston and Wrightington are set at a more reasonable 30 mph, especially in light of the recent tragic road traffic accident. I fully support the campaign and will work with Peter, to ensure our roads are kept safe."
Following site visits and agreement in principal, on 7th September 2012 the county cabinet met and approved the scheme to reduce the speed limit along more than two-thirds of Wood Lane and was introduced shortly afterwards.